import logging
from collections import namedtuple
import numpy as np
from l2l import dict_to_list, list_to_dict
from l2l.optimizers.optimizer import Optimizer
logger = logging.getLogger("optimizers.face")
FACEParameters = namedtuple('FACEParameters',
['min_pop_size', 'max_pop_size', 'n_elite', 'smoothing', 'temp_decay', 'n_iteration',
'distribution', 'stop_criterion', 'n_expand', 'seed'])
FACEParameters.__doc__ = """
:param min_pop_size: Minimal number of individuals per simulation.
:param max_pop_size: This is the minimum amount of samples taken into account for the FACE algorithm
:param n_elite: Number of individuals to be considered as elite
:param smoothing: This is a factor between 0 and 1 that determines the weight assigned to the previous distribution
parameters while calculating the new distribution parameters. The smoothing is done as a linear combination of the
optimal parameters for the current data, and the previous distribution as follows:
new_params = smoothing*old_params + (1-smoothing)*optimal_new_params
:param temp_decay: This parameter is the factor (necessarily between 0 and 1) by which the temperature decays each
generation. To see the use of temperature, look at the documentation of :class:`.FACEOptimizer`
:param n_iteration: Number of iterations to perform
:param distribution: Distribution class to use. Has to implement a fit and sample function.
:param stop_criterion: (Optional) Stop if this fitness is reached.
:param n_expand: (Optional) This is the amount by which the sample size is increased if FACE becomes active
[docs]class FACEOptimizer(Optimizer):
Class for Fully Adaptive Crossentropy Optimizer (adaptive sample size)
In the pseudo code the algorithm does:
For n iterations do:
1. Sample individuals from distribution
2. evaluate individuals and get fitness
3. check if gamma or best individuals fitness increased
4. if not increase population size by n_expand (if not yet max_pop_size else stop) and sample again (1)
else set pop_size = min_pop_size and proceed
5. pick n_elite individuals with highest fitness
6. Out of the remaining non-elite individuals, select them using a simulated-annealing style
selection based on the difference between their fitness and the `1-rho` quantile (*gamma*)
fitness, and the current temperature
7. Fit the distribution family to the new elite individuals by minimizing cross entropy.
The distribution fitting is smoothed to prevent premature convergence to local minima.
A weight equal to the `smoothing` parameter is assigned to the previous parameters when
return final distribution parameters.
(The final distribution parameters contain information regarding the location of the maxima)
:param ~l2l.utils.trajectory.Trajectory traj: Use this trajectory to store the parameters of the specific runs.
The parameters should be initialized based on the values in `parameters`
:param optimizee_create_individual: Function that creates a new individual. All parameters of the Individual-Dict
returned should be of numpy.float64 type
:param optimizee_fitness_weights: Fitness weights. The fitness returned by the Optimizee is multiplied by these
values (one for each element of the fitness vector)
:param parameters: Instance of :func:`~collections.namedtuple` :class:`.FACEParameters` containing the
parameters needed by the Optimizer
def __init__(self, traj, optimizee_create_individual, optimizee_fitness_weights, parameters,
super().__init__(traj, optimizee_create_individual=optimizee_create_individual,
optimizee_fitness_weights=optimizee_fitness_weights, parameters=parameters,
self.optimizee_bounding_func = optimizee_bounding_func
if parameters.min_pop_size < 1:
raise Exception("min_pop_size needs to be greater than 0")
if parameters.max_pop_size < parameters.min_pop_size:
raise Exception("max_pop_size needs to be greater or equal to min_pop_size")
if parameters.n_elite > parameters.min_pop_size:
raise Exception("n_elite exceeds min_pop_size")
if parameters.temp_decay < 0 or parameters.temp_decay > 1:
raise Exception("temp_decay not in range")
if parameters.smoothing >= 1 or parameters.smoothing < 0:
raise Exception("smoothing has to be in interval [0, 1)")
if parameters.seed is None:
raise Exception("The 'seed' must be set")
# The following parameters are recorded
traj.f_add_parameter('min_pop_size', parameters.min_pop_size,
comment='Number of minimal individuals simulated in each run')
traj.f_add_parameter('max_pop_size', parameters.max_pop_size,
comment='Maximal individuals in population')
traj.f_add_parameter('n_elite', parameters.n_elite,
comment='Number of individuals to be considered as elite')
traj.f_add_parameter('n_iteration', parameters.n_iteration,
comment='Number of iterations to run')
traj.f_add_parameter('n_expand', parameters.n_expand,
comment='Expanding of population size in case of FACE')
traj.f_add_parameter('stop_criterion', parameters.stop_criterion,
comment='Stop if best individual reaches this fitness')
traj.f_add_parameter('smoothing', parameters.smoothing,
comment='Weight of old parameters in smoothing')
traj.f_add_parameter('temp_decay', parameters.temp_decay,
comment='Decay factor for temperature')
traj.f_add_parameter('seed', np.uint32(parameters.seed),
comment='Random seed used by optimizer')
self.random_state = np.random.RandomState(seed=traj.par.seed)
temp_indiv, self.optimizee_individual_dict_spec = dict_to_list(self.optimizee_create_individual(),
traj.f_add_derived_parameter('dimension', len(temp_indiv),
comment='The dimension of the parameter space of the optimizee')
# Added a generation-wise parameter logging
comment='This contains the optimizer parameters that are'
' common across a generation')
# The following parameters are recorded as generation parameters i.e. once per generation
self.g = 0 # the current generation
# This is the value above which the samples are considered elite in the
# current generation
self.gamma = -np.inf
self.T = 1 # This is the temperature used to filter evaluated samples in this run
self.pop_size = parameters.min_pop_size # Population size is dynamic in FACE
self.best_fitness_in_run = -np.inf
self.best_individual = None
# The first iteration does not pick the values out of the Gaussian distribution. It picks randomly
# (or at-least as randomly as optimizee_create_individual creates individuals)
# Note that this array stores individuals as an np.array of floats as opposed to Individual-Dicts
# This is because this array is used within the context of the cross entropy algorithm and
# Thus needs to handle the optimizee individuals as vectors
current_eval_pop = [self.optimizee_create_individual() for _ in range(parameters.min_pop_size)]
if optimizee_bounding_func is not None:
current_eval_pop = [self.optimizee_bounding_func(ind) for ind in current_eval_pop]
self.eval_pop = current_eval_pop
self.eval_pop_asarray = np.array([dict_to_list(x) for x in self.eval_pop])
# Max Likelihood
self.current_distribution = parameters.distribution
[docs] def post_process(self, traj, fitnesses_results):
See :meth:`~l2l.optimizers.optimizer.Optimizer.post_process`
n_elite, n_iteration, smoothing, temp_decay, min_pop_size, max_pop_size = \
traj.n_elite, traj.n_iteration, traj.smoothing, traj.temp_decay, traj.min_pop_size, traj.max_pop_size
stop_criterion, n_expand = traj.stop_criterion, traj.n_expand
weighted_fitness_list = []
# **************************************************************************************************************
# Storing run-information in the trajectory
# Reading fitnesses and performing distribution update
# **************************************************************************************************************
for run_index, fitness in fitnesses_results:
# We need to convert the current run index into an ind_idx
# (index of individual within one generation)
traj.v_idx = run_index
ind_index = traj.par.ind_idx
traj.f_add_result('$set.$.individual', self.eval_pop[ind_index])
traj.f_add_result('$set.$.fitness', fitness)
weighted_fitness_list.append(, self.optimizee_fitness_weights))
traj.v_idx = -1 # set trajectory back to default
# Performs descending arg-sort of weighted fitness
fitness_sorting_indices = list(reversed(np.argsort(weighted_fitness_list)))
generation_name = 'generation_{}'.format(self.g)
# Sorting the data according to fitness
sorted_population = self.eval_pop_asarray[fitness_sorting_indices]
sorted_fitess = np.asarray(weighted_fitness_list)[fitness_sorting_indices]
# Elite individuals are with performance better than or equal to the (1-rho) quantile.
# See original describtion of cross entropy for optimization
elite_individuals = sorted_population[:n_elite]
previous_best_fitness = self.best_fitness_in_run
self.best_individual = list_to_dict(sorted_population[0],
self.best_fitness_in_run = sorted_fitess[0]
previous_gamma = self.gamma
self.gamma = sorted_fitess[n_elite - 1]"-- End of generation %d --", self.g)" Evaluated %d individuals", len(fitnesses_results))' Best Fitness: %.4f', self.best_fitness_in_run)
logger.debug(' Calculated gamma: %.4f', self.gamma)
# **************************************************************************************************************
# Storing Generation Parameters / Results in the trajectory
# **************************************************************************************************************
# These entries correspond to the generation that has been simulated prior to this post-processing run
traj.results.generation_params.f_add_result_group(generation_name, 'New generation added to results')
traj.results.generation_params.f_add_result(generation_name + '.g', self.g,
comment='The index of the evaluated generation')
traj.results.generation_params.f_add_result(generation_name + '.gamma', self.gamma,
comment='The fitness threshold inferred from the evaluated '
'generation (This is used in sampling the next generation')
traj.results.generation_params.f_add_result(generation_name + '.T', self.T,
comment='Temperature used to select non-elite elements among the'
'individuals of the evaluated generation')
traj.results.generation_params.f_add_result(generation_name + '.best_fitness_in_run', self.best_fitness_in_run,
comment='The highest fitness among the individuals in the '
'evaluated generation')
traj.results.generation_params.f_add_result(generation_name + '.pop_size', self.pop_size,
comment='Population size')
# Check stopping
if self.g >= n_iteration or self.best_fitness_in_run >= stop_criterion:
expand = True
if self.best_fitness_in_run > previous_best_fitness or self.gamma > previous_gamma:
# shrink population size
self.pop_size = (self.pop_size + min_pop_size) // 2
# new distribution fit
individuals_to_be_fitted = elite_individuals
# Temperature dependent sampling of non elite individuals
if temp_decay > 0:
# Keeping non-elite samples with certain probability dependent on temperature (like Simulated Annealing)
non_elite_selection_probs = np.clip(np.exp((weighted_fitness_list[n_elite:] - self.gamma) / self.T),
amin=0.0, a_max=1.0)
non_elite_selected_indices = self.random_state.binomial(1, p=non_elite_selection_probs)
non_elite_eval_pop_asarray = sorted_population[n_elite:][non_elite_selected_indices]
individuals_to_be_fitted = np.concatenate((elite_individuals, non_elite_eval_pop_asarray))
# Fitting New distribution parameters.
self.distribution_results =, smoothing)
elif self.pop_size + n_expand <= max_pop_size:
# Increase pop size by one, resample, FACE part' FACE increase population size by %d', n_expand)
self.pop_size += n_expand
# Stop algorithm
expand = False
logger.warning(' Possibly diverged')
# Add the results of the distribution fitting to the trajectory
for parameter_key, parameter_value in self.distribution_results.items():
traj.results.generation_params.f_add_result(generation_name + '.' + parameter_key, parameter_value)
# **************************************************************************************************************
# Create the next generation by sampling the inferred distribution
# **************************************************************************************************************
# Note that this is only done in case the evaluated run is not the last run
if expand:
# Sample from the constructed distribution
self.eval_pop_asarray = self.current_distribution.sample(self.pop_size)
self.eval_pop = [list_to_dict(ind_asarray, self.optimizee_individual_dict_spec)
for ind_asarray in self.eval_pop_asarray]
# Clip to boundaries
if self.optimizee_bounding_func is not None:
self.eval_pop = [self.optimizee_bounding_func(individual) for individual in self.eval_pop]
self.eval_pop_asarray = np.array([dict_to_list(x) for x in self.eval_pop])
self.g += 1 # Update generation counter
self.T *= temp_decay
[docs] def end(self, traj):
See :meth:`~l2l.optimizers.optimizer.Optimizer.end`
best_last_indiv_dict = self.best_individual
traj.f_add_result('final_individual', best_last_indiv_dict)
traj.f_add_result('final_fitness', self.best_fitness_in_run)
traj.f_add_result('n_iteration', self.g)
# ------------ Finished all runs and print result --------------- #"-- End of (successful) FACE optimization --")"-- Final distribution parameters --")
for parameter_key, parameter_value in sorted(self.distribution_results.items()):' %s: %s', parameter_key, parameter_value)