Optimizer using Gradient Descent


class l2l.optimizers.gradientdescent.optimizer.GradientDescentOptimizer(traj, optimizee_create_individual, optimizee_fitness_weights, parameters, optimizee_bounding_func=None)[source]

Bases: l2l.optimizers.optimizer.Optimizer

Class for a generic gradient descent solver. In the pseudo code the algorithm does:

For n iterations do:
  • Explore the fitness of individuals in the close vicinity of the current one

  • Calculate the gradient based on these fitnesses.

  • Create the new ‘current individual’ by taking a step in the parameters space along the direction

    of the largest ascent of the plane

NOTE: This expects all parameters of the system to be of floating point

  • traj (Trajectory) – Use this trajectory to store the parameters of the specific runs. The parameters should be initialized based on the values in parameters

  • optimizee_create_individual – Function that creates a new individual

  • optimizee_fitness_weights – Fitness weights. The fitness returned by the Optimizee is multiplied by these values (one for each element of the fitness vector)

  • parameters – Instance of namedtuple() ClassicGDParameters, namedtuple() StochasticGDParameters, namedtuple() RMSPropParameters or namedtuple() AdamParameters containing the parameters needed by the Optimizer. The type of this parameter is used to select one of the GD variants.

post_process(traj, fitnesses_results)[source]

See post_process()


See end()

init_classic_gd(parameters, traj)[source]

Classic Gradient Descent specific initializiation.


traj (Trajectory) – The trajectory on which the parameters should get stored.


init_rmsprop(parameters, traj)[source]

RMSProp specific initializiation.


traj (Trajectory) – The trajectory on which the parameters should get stored.


init_adam(parameters, traj)[source]

ADAM specific initializiation.


traj (Trajectory) – The trajectory on which the parameters should get stored.


init_stochastic_gd(parameters, traj)[source]

Stochastic Gradient Descent specific initializiation.


traj (Trajectory) – The trajectory on which the parameters should get stored.


classic_gd_update(traj, gradient)[source]

Updates the current individual using the classic Gradient Descent algorithm.

  • traj (Trajectory) – The trajectory which contains the parameters required by the update algorithm

  • gradient (ndarray) – The gradient of the fitness curve, evaluated at the current individual


rmsprop_update(traj, gradient)[source]

Updates the current individual using the RMSProp algorithm.

  • traj (Trajectory) – The trajectory which contains the parameters required by the update algorithm

  • gradient (ndarray) – The gradient of the fitness curve, evaluated at the current individual


adam_update(traj, gradient)[source]

Updates the current individual using the ADAM algorithm.

  • traj (Trajectory) – The trajectory which contains the parameters required by the update algorithm

  • gradient (ndarray) – The gradient of the fitness curve, evaluated at the current individual


stochastic_gd_update(traj, gradient)[source]

Updates the current individual using a stochastic version of the gradient descent algorithm.

  • traj (Trajectory) – The trajectory which contains the parameters required by the update algorithm

  • gradient (ndarray) – The gradient of the fitness curve, evaluated at the current individual



class l2l.optimizers.gradientdescent.optimizer.ClassicGDParameters(learning_rate, exploration_step_size, n_random_steps, n_iteration, stop_criterion, seed)

Bases: tuple

  • learning_rate – The rate of learning per step of gradient descent

  • exploration_step_size – The standard deviation of random steps used for finite difference gradient

  • n_random_steps – The amount of random steps used to estimate gradient

  • n_iteration – number of iteration to perform

  • stop_criterion – Stop if change in fitness is below this value

property exploration_step_size
property learning_rate
property n_iteration
property n_random_steps
property seed
property stop_criterion


class l2l.optimizers.gradientdescent.optimizer.StochasticGDParameters(learning_rate, stochastic_deviation, stochastic_decay, exploration_step_size, n_random_steps, n_iteration, stop_criterion, seed)

Bases: tuple

  • learning_rate – The rate of learning per step of gradient descent

  • stochastic_deviation – The standard deviation of the random vector used to perturbate the gradient

  • stochastic_decay – The decay of the influence of the random vector that is added to the gradient (set to 0 to disable stochastic perturbation)

  • exploration_step_size – The standard deviation of random steps used for finite difference gradient

  • n_random_steps – The amount of random steps used to estimate gradient

  • n_iteration – number of iteration to perform

  • stop_criterion – Stop if change in fitness is below this value

property exploration_step_size
property learning_rate
property n_iteration
property n_random_steps
property seed
property stochastic_decay
property stochastic_deviation
property stop_criterion


class l2l.optimizers.gradientdescent.optimizer.AdamParameters(learning_rate, exploration_step_size, n_random_steps, first_order_decay, second_order_decay, n_iteration, stop_criterion, seed)

Bases: tuple

  • learning_rate – The rate of learning per step of gradient descent

  • exploration_step_size – The standard deviation of random steps used for finite difference gradient

  • n_random_steps – The amount of random steps used to estimate gradient

  • first_order_decay – Specifies the amount of decay of the historic first order momentum per gradient descent step

  • second_order_decay – Specifies the amount of decay of the historic second order momentum per gradient descent step

  • n_iteration – number of iteration to perform

  • stop_criterion – Stop if change in fitness is below this value

property exploration_step_size
property first_order_decay
property learning_rate
property n_iteration
property n_random_steps
property second_order_decay
property seed
property stop_criterion


class l2l.optimizers.gradientdescent.optimizer.RMSPropParameters(learning_rate, exploration_step_size, n_random_steps, momentum_decay, n_iteration, stop_criterion, seed)

Bases: tuple

  • learning_rate – The rate of learning per step of gradient descent

  • exploration_step_size – The standard deviation of random steps used for finite difference gradient

  • n_random_steps – The amount of random steps used to estimate gradient

  • momentum_decay – Specifies the decay of the historic momentum at each gradient descent step

  • n_iteration – number of iteration to perform

  • stop_criterion – Stop if change in fitness is below this value

  • seed – The random seed used for random number generation in the optimizer

property exploration_step_size
property learning_rate
property momentum_decay
property n_iteration
property n_random_steps
property seed
property stop_criterion